From Exploring the Market to Living the Full-Time Passion

August 19, 2024

I am happy to announce that my business AND is 1 year old this August! 🥳 And it is also my birthday month! 🥂🥰

From Exploring the Market to Full-Time Passion

It’s been a fun and chaotic ride going from a 9–5 job to going full-time on my own freelance business as a UX designer and web developer.

2 years ago, I started taking on projects via freelancer platforms and from family and friends while simultaneously upgrading my skills and portfolio. It was a great learning curve and I needed to go through all those difficult and cheap clients to appreciate and cherish my dream clients coming in.

Here is an episode where me and my co-host talk about our humble beginnings as freelancers. There are some spicy stories there:

The Early Days

At first, I was nervous to leap with a new project, but I had to learn how to do it despite the fear and still do my best. Because how bad can it be if I tried my hardest?

The learnings on how to polish my process, find clients, manage projects, and run a business on top of the actual design and development work have never stopped. There were a lot of late nights and weekends spent working to get my business off the ground and forward.

Lessons Learned

Over time, I learned how to:

  • Get more efficient with my time and resources
  • Raise my rates
  • Work with better clients

Finally, I developed a signature process for UX research, wireframing, and web development that delivers great results. I also got better at setting boundaries and managing scope creep. 😌 Probably the one I am most proud of.

Where I’m At Now

Today, I’m proud to say that my freelance business is blossoming. 🌸 I get to work with amazing clients who value my expertise! I am a part of a network of other freelancers and small business owners who support each other. And I have the freedom to work from anywhere and set my schedule.

One of my recently completed projects. ☺️

Advice for Aspiring Freelancers

If you’re thinking about making the jump to freelancing, my advice is to start small and focus on one skill at a time. And don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth.

Surround yourself with a supportive community and keep learning and growing. This is how you will advance faster and more confidently.

It’s a lot of work, but the rewards of being your own boss are so worth it. Again, it is not for everyone!

More on the topic of how to start freelancing is in this video. 👆👆

If you’re looking for a UX designer and web developer who can help take your business to the next level, I would love to have a call! ☺️

Send me a DM or check out my website for more info on my services.


Thank you for reading!

Note: Some of the links in my articles are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you purchase through one of those links.

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  • Want more stories? Find my blog and previous stories here on my website.
  • Subscribe to my newsletter for extended stories, news, materials and behind the scenes of my business.
  • 🎙️Have a listen to my podcast that I host with my friend.
  • If you enjoy my stories and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee, sweet pastry or bubble tea! 🧋I have also created memberships with special rewards!

If you know someone who will enjoy my stories, please share them with them! 🙂

P.S. If you want to be part of my curious journey, you can find me on also on Instagram and LinkedIn (Nikoleta Angelova). Don’t forget to include a note on LinkedIn. 😉

Are you struggling with productivity or understanding design decisions? Join me on my YouTube where I explain web design and stream sometimes.

Want to collaborate?
Send me a message!

I will check my availability for collaborations and get back to you within 24 hours.

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